
A Real Estate Website

After 30 years of business And more then 4 years with the same site
Homeland real estate came to there media company for a new site,
one that will be clearer, alined more to the vision and user friendly
so people can easily find everything they need

After 30 years of business And more then 4 years with the same site
Homeland real estate came to there media company for a new site,
one that will be clearer, alined more to the vision and user friendly
so people can easily find everything they need

Client Homeland

Product Real Estate catalog

Role Main Designer 

Date 2022 – 2023


In the first meeting it was clear to me that this site
will need to maintain the brand of years, to keep his SEO values
and to be a clear modern site
with a good search option
As part of my meeting with one of the executives of homeland,
as one of the biggest real estate companies in israel
and as such we dived to understanding the real needs of the site,
the real competition of the company and see from the GEO  
perspective, in the real estate and location mapping


In the first meeting it was clear to me that this site
will need to maintain the brand of years, to keep his SEO values
and to be a clear modern site
with a good search option
As part of my meeting with one of the executives of homeland,
as one of the biggest real estate companies in israel
and as such we dived to understanding the real needs of the site,
the real competition of the company and see from the GEO
perspective, in the real estate and location mapping

Reasech results

My conclusions was that the main users they want to 

attract are uper class and higher class investors from 

Israel and abroad, mainly looking to buy/rent a well

maintained luxury apartments and establishments in israel

As part of the marketing reasech i saw global websites 

such as “compass” and israel sits like “Madlan” and “yad 2”, 

it was clear that the main focus will be the search page, 

that it will need a map and a mega filter and sort option

After receiving the SEO reaserch It was clear that they indeed 

targeting upper class buyers and investors looking 

for places to “flip” for more 

My conclusions was that the main users they want to 

attract are uper class and higher class investors from 

Israel and abroad, mainly looking to buy/rent a well

maintained luxury apartments and establishments in israel

As part of the marketing reasech i saw global websites 

such as “compass” and israel sits like “Madlan” and “yad 2”, 

it was clear that the main focus will be the search page, 

that it will need a map and a mega filter and sort option

After receiving the SEO reaserch It was clear that they indeed 

targeting upper class buyers and investors looking 

for places to “flip” for more 

Itai 35

Real estate Investor and scouter 

Currently looking for a 3 bed home with handicap access 
for an old couple, the men 72 was in banking and the woman 65 was a nurse, 
currently looking for the retirement home in a quiet area in the center of israel 

  • Meany sites dont show all details
  • Not clear how the house will look except the pictures 
  • A lot of houses are not mainteinead well 
  • to see all the apartments from the same area
  • the ability to filter by types of apartments 
  • Wishing to see everything in the house 
  • Meany sites dont show all details
  • Not clear how the house will look except the pictures 
  • A lot of houses are not mainteinead well 
  • to see all the apartments from the same area
  • the ability to filter by types of apartments 
  • Wishing to see everything in the house 

Possible solution

After understanding the needs and seeing from the SEO team 

where the leads go, ןt was clear that the map area tlv/haifa 

is the main focus and will need a clear mega search with different 

filters for maximum results and נefore the user flow will lead 

to the estet page to show images and a 3D tour in the house, 

and at least 3 CTAs to contactAlso after consolation with the Dev team


i added a save option,for later revisits that will be a sticky for easy access 

next to a sticky search,Except that the site is clear and to the point 

with the main colors of the brand,the yellow, black and white, 

that can be seen with Homeland logo everywhere


Homeland's Wireframes

The Key Feature In Homeland

as this type of site needed to show an interactive map, 

we needed to sort correctly for this kind of clients

as part of my design research, i looked for 

the best sites in that market, compose, Zillow, etc 

SEO & PPC In Homeland

contact page to display content for the Google Scanner 

are necessary for good SEO, according to the SEO 

and web building company I worked for, Leos Media & Interactive.


more projects

Lets Talk..

Phone: 054-8119-162

E-mail: curhxv87@gmail.com

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